Friday, January 28, 2011

Sweet Potato Pie For A Good Puff

My First Homemade Sweet Potato Pie
Sweet Potato is Kamote in the Philippines.  I never had Kamote Pie until I got here.  I have enjoyed this boiled, steamed, fried or frittered served as an afternoon snack as a kid.  Some of my friends would avoid eating this because it gives gas but there's more good in Sweet Potatoes than just gas.  According to my readings, sweet potatoes are rich in Vitamin A that even a few bites a day can put you on a nutritional safe side.  The vitamin A in sweet potatoes come in the form of carotene, and it's potential to reduce the risk of lung cancer. Anything that can reduce a risk factor even a little is something to be grateful for.  But this doesn't mean that smokers will simply increase their carotene intake instead of quitting cigarettes.   Smoking that starts out as a way to have fun and that has builded up into a habitual dependence can become something devastating.  Withdrawal from smoking might be unpleasant.  Withdrawal is not just a matter of will power.  With prolonged smoking (cigarettes or pot) withdrawal should be done in a medically supervised setting.   Choose the better part, enjoy good puffing eat sweet potatoes more often for a better you this year.   I followed Martha Stewart's version for this recipe. 

Sweet Potato Pie
Martha Stewart

3 large eggs
1/2 cup sugar
1 3/4 cup sweet potato puree
1/2 cup half and half
1 tbs. fresh lemon juice
2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp. ground all spice

1.  In a bowl, whisk together eggs and sugar until combined.
2. Add sweet potato puree, half and half, lemon juice, vanilla, salt and all 
    spice.  Whisk until smooth or use a blender for an even smooth texture.  
3. Pour filling into crust.  Smooth top with spatula.
4. Place on baking sheet and bake until filling is set about 40 to 50 minutes. 
    Cool for two hours. Serve chilled or at room temperature.

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